Βιβλιογραφία /Bibliography

Bιβλία / Books
  • Conradie, Ernst, Christianity and Ecological Theology: Resources for futher research (Study Guides in Religion and Theology 11), Stellenbosch: SUN PReSS 2006
  • Conradie, Ernst, An Ecological Christian Anthropology: At Home on Earth?, Routledge: Burlington 2005
  • Gregorios, Pavlos, The human presence: An orthodox view of nature, Christian Literature Society 1980
  • Habel, Norbert, An Inconvenient Text: Is a Green Reading of the Bible Possible?, ATF Press 2012
  • Hall, Douglas J., The Steward: A Biblical Symbol Come of Age, Eugene: Wipf & Stock Pub 2004
  • Martin-Schramm, J. / Stivers, Robert L., Christian Environmental Ethics: A Case Method Approach, Maryknoll: Orbis Books 2003
  • Zizioulas, John, Communion and Otherness: Further Studies in Personhood and the Church, ed. R. Williams, London ; New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark 2007

Άρθρα / Articles
  • Hermann, Steward W., "Job Through the Eyes of Science: Designed for Survival" , CTM 22:3 (2016) - (online)
  • Horrell, D.G., "Ecological Hermeneutics: Reflections on Methods and Prospects for the Future" (online)
  • Kelly, Anthony J., "The Ecumenism of Ecology" Australian eJournal of Theology 22:3 (2015) - (online)
  • Öhler Markus , "Das Bestehen des Kosmos vor dem Hintergrund frühjüdischer und frühchristlicher Apokalyptik: Anmerkungen zur Bedeutung des Neuen Testaments für eine gegenwärtige Ökotheologie,"  KuD 62:1 (2016): 3-26 (abstract)
  • Rhoads David, Barbara Rossing, "A Beloved Earth Community: Christian Mission in an Ecological Age"  CTM 43:2 (2016) - (online)

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